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Is Homosexuality Innate?

-Jonathan Harris Ever heard someone say, “Homosexuals were born that way!?” Such a person usually goes on to say that same-sex marriage is a civil right, and that anyone who opposes their “marriages” is one… Is Homosexuality Innate?

Making the Case For Life

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville Kentucky, recently delivered an excellent interview with Scott Klusendorf, author of “The Case for Life.” Klusendorf’s goal in writing this book was to take philosophical… Making the Case For Life

Let’s Get Practical!

Host an Apologetics Event!-Jonathan Harris This is the commencement of our new monthly, “Let’s Get Practical” section. In this portion of our blog you will find ideas, helpful hints, and proven methods, of promoting Biblical… Let’s Get Practical!

What is Marriage?

Discovering a Definition from the “Bottom-Up.”By: Jonathan Harris Geometrical Definitions While in my second year of highschool, I was exposed to a subdivision of arithmetic known as geometry. To my adolescent horror, I would be… What is Marriage?