Porn Vs. Sex
By: Jonathan Harris
Because of the subversive, pervasive, and accessible nature of internet pornography, pastor Tim Challies wrote Sexual Detox to men both young and old, married and single, in an effort to persuade and guide them into a rejection of pornography and masturbation and an acceptance of a much better alternative. Challies writes:
Many young men need a kind of sexual detox before they are equipped to be the kind of pure, loving, attentive, sacrificial husbands that God calls them to be. In this series of articles I hope to help young men reorient their understanding of sex, both in the big picture and in the act itself, according to God’s plan for this great gift.
Challies work is not what one might expect. There are no elaborate strategies or twelve step programs given—only a theology of sex designed to cause the reader to accept and believe the true reason for sexual intimacy. It is one thing to know a particular action is wrong, but quite another to believe that it is more beneficial to stop choosing to do it. It is is this basic underlying belief, which all pornography addicted individuals succumb to, that Challies addresses. I would recommend this book to all Christian males especially. It’s short, basic, and simple. . . just the thing most guys need to get them thinking.
Here’s the ebook version: Sexual Detox