Book Review: Pushing the Antithesis by Greg Bahnsen
By: Jonathan Harris I have to say, and I do this honestly, that as far as presuppositional methodology goes, you cannot beat this book! For those seeking to understand the method and apply it I… Book Review: Pushing the Antithesis by Greg Bahnsen
Book Review: The Portable Presuppositionalist by Jamin Hubner
By: Jonathan Harris Presuppositional apologetics has been a passion of mine for a few years now. Ever since I was exposed to Greg Bahnsen’s worldview lectures I’ve been reading, listening, and watching everything I can… Book Review: The Portable Presuppositionalist by Jamin Hubner
Refuting Naturalism
How Naturalism Presupposes SupernaturalismBy: Jonathan Harris Webster’s dictionary defines naturalism as, “a theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance; specifically : the doctrine that scientific laws are adequate to account for… Refuting Naturalism
He Is There and He Is Not Silent: A Review
By: Jonathan Harris Francis Schaeffer, one of my personal favorite thinkers, shows that the only acceptable option for modern man looking for meaning is to adopt biblical Christianity. Unlike Van Til or Bahnsen, Shaeffer doesn’t… He Is There and He Is Not Silent: A Review
Always Ready: Directions For Defending the Faith
A Review and Discussion By: Jonathan Harris I suppose when most Christians refer to certain defenses made on behalf of Christianity, they tend to recommend specific lectures or books by learned apologists on the particular… Always Ready: Directions For Defending the Faith
Apologetics to the Glory of God
A ReviewBy: Jonathan Harris I’ve been debating with myself for the past couple days as to whether I should review the book Apologetics to the Glory of God by John M. Frame. The book does… Apologetics to the Glory of God