Experts of Enigmas
And the Age of MysteryBy Jonathan Harris The following is a transcript from a sermon I preached on the topic of the New Age Movement. Audio is available to download here. This morning we will… Experts of Enigmas
And the Age of MysteryBy Jonathan Harris The following is a transcript from a sermon I preached on the topic of the New Age Movement. Audio is available to download here. This morning we will… Experts of Enigmas
The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture By: Jonathan Harris When I was probably around ten years old my church went through the video series How Should We Then Live? for Sunday night services.… Book Review: How Should We Then Live?
With Pastor John Weaver How should a Christian respond to civil government when it contradicts the law of God or goes outside of its constitution? Blindly obey, challenge, rebel? Pastor John Weaver tackles these very… The Christian and Civil Government