Secession in America
How Our Most Basic Right is. . . Right! By: Jonathan Harris Trending Toward Secession Since the election of Barack Obama, a growing number of patriots have “woken up” as radio talk show host Glenn… Secession in America
How Our Most Basic Right is. . . Right! By: Jonathan Harris Trending Toward Secession Since the election of Barack Obama, a growing number of patriots have “woken up” as radio talk show host Glenn… Secession in America
The Constitution’s Christian Requirement for Elected OfficialsBy: Jonathan Harris Article VI Section III of the U.S. Constitution states, “The senators and representatives before-mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and… Liberal Lie: The Constitution Requires Secularism
Discovering a Definition from the “Bottom-Up.”By: Jonathan Harris Geometrical Definitions While in my second year of highschool, I was exposed to a subdivision of arithmetic known as geometry. To my adolescent horror, I would be… What is Marriage?